
Objectives of the Haemophilia Society of Guipuzcoa

The General basic objectives established by ASHEGUI reflect the needs which have been observed and communicated to the Association by its members. They are as follows:

  • To encourage society in general and especially Institutions and Organizations involved with the needs and well being of Haemophiliacs, to understand just what problems haemophilia presents, from a medical point of view as well as a social, professional and educational one, so that adequate treatment can be obtained.
  • To promote membership of the Association among those in Guipuzcoa having a deficiency of blood clotting factors as well as carriers and their offspring , hereby establishing a more permanent control of the group.
  • To give adequate education to carriers and their families concerning the prevention of the illness, the treatment available and social, educational and professional capacitation.
  • To help in the obtaining of collaboration with the Association of various different Institutions and Organizations such as: Specialized Medical Services, Teaching Centres, Professional Training Services, and any other enterprises in general that may be able to help us with the aims of the Association.
  • To help haemophiliacs to solve specific problems concerning medical aid, education, advice/orientation concerning work and professional training.
  • To inform society in general of what haemophilia is, hereby promoting the development of investigation programmes.
  • To establish and maintain contact with other Regional, National and Foreign Associations similar to the Guipuzcoa Haemophilia Association, in order to exchange information and experiences.

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